martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Money...the dirty money

The theme for today is... $ Money $ Yeah, that thing that make people do a lot of things – even stupid things – and is a question that every people tell me when they know what I’m studying, generally it’s because they don’t know what anthropologists do; so here I’ll explain what I think what anthropologist do for LIVING!

It’s a little bit difficult to say what specifically anthropologist do to earn money, because...they can do anything that can be investigated – I’m not joking, if you do a review of the thesis from the faculty you’ll see that it isn’t a joke –; but how can you have the resources to do studies of almost anything in the world? Well the answer is: FONDECYT. FONDECYT is a fund of resources destined to scientific investigation, but I don’t know if scientific investigation can be done in all the things that FONDECYT really finance... It’s incredible because it can be from an investigation for using removable energy to the analysis of a “whale culture”; things that can’t be connected participate for funds at the same institution, you really get a surprise at this.

Obviously FONDECYT isn’t the only way to do investigations; there are other kinds of funds from the State or Non-Governmental Organizations. The last one is the other place where anthropologists usually do researches but the kind of investigation you do are restricted to what the NGO do, so it isn’t too much free for investigations. But the paradise of resources for investigations – talking only about the things you can investigate – is at the University, because you can do investigation of whatever you want without thinking if the research is useful or not.

The problem to get that paradise of resources and time for investigation is that first you must be a professor of the University and that could be a little difficult because you must do classes and be very good – even if your students don’t think so –, and also an old one so no one could think about questioning about what you do. Tell me if that isn’t cool, the only reason for not doing an investigation is that weren’t resources – but that is almost impossible.

So, concluding, there are two ways of earning money:
2. – Professor

Getting the true of humanity doesn’t have a price, for anything else there is FONDECYT

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey Pablo.. you are being optimistic about FONDECYT... It is very sad that the only way to earn a little bit of money (because FONDECYT won´t make you rich) is working on FONDECYT projects...the wage sucks, because it is a statal institution..

  2. Awesome final line XDD
    Well I think that it's amazing how optimistic you are about FONDECYT.. But, well I know that you will be able to get your way on it..
    Take care osillo

  3. OOOHH >.< I don't want to think about anything which can remember me Tudela D=. Anyway... I hope do more things that apply for FONDECYT proyects xD

    Regards =)
